Ingredients 5 oz Everclear alcohol2 oz rum2 oz vodka5 oz whisky1 dash lemon juice Mix ingredients together in a pitcher.
Ingredients 6 oz Guinness stout6 oz Coca-Cola Pour half a bottle of Guinness into a beer mug, add an equal amount of Coca-cola, and serve.
Ingredients 2/3 oz Blue Curacao liqueur2/3 oz raspberry liqueur2/3 oz triple sec1/2 oz Everclear alcohol6 oz 7-Up soda Pour the blue curacao, raspberry liqueur, triple sec and everclear into a highball glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Top with 7-up, and stir
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Ingredients 6 oz 7-Up Plus soda2 oz Black Haus blackberry schnapps Pour both ingredients into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir and serve.
Ingredients 1 bottle Everclear alcoholmaraschino cherries Drain the liquid from a standard tub, carton or bottle of maraschino cherries. Fill back up with Everclear, and let soak for a month. Use for garnishing cocktails.
Ingredients 1/2 oz Everclear alcohol1/2 oz Bacardi 151 rum1/2 oz DeKuyper Razzmatazz liqueur1 oz amaretto almond liqueur Shake and serve.
Ingredients 1/2 pint lager1/2 pint Smirnoff Ice Pour half a pint of a strong lager (ie. Stella Artois) into a pint glass. Fill with Smirnoff Ice, and serve.
Ingredients 1/3 pint lager1/3 pint cider2 oz Pernod licorice liqueur1 oz creme de cassis Pour lager and cider (otherwise known as a Snake Bite) into a pint glass, and stir. Seperately prepare a Double Pernod and Black (Pernod and Creme de Cassis
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Ingredients 2 oz gin4 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur2 oz melted chocolate Pour the Kahlua coffee liqueur into a frosted (note: important) brandy snifter glass. Add the gin, and mix well. Drizzle the hot melted chocolate over the drink, being sure to let
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Ingredients 4 oz vodka1 small pickled pepper Pour vodka over four ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass. Add pickled pepper, and stir around with its stem. Devour pepper after draining drink.