Ingredients 1 oz lime juice1 oz lemon juice1 oz orange juice1 oz cranberry juice1 pinch salt1 scoop lime ice cream1 pinch lemon zestPepsi cola 1. Stir the juices together in a freezable container and freeze until ice. Crush the ice finely with
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Ingredients 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice1/2 cup crushed pineapples1 large peeled and chopped carrot Place all ingredients in a blender, cover and whiz on medium speed until well blended. Pour into a collins glass, and serve.
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz coconut milk3/4 oz cream2 oz pineapple juice3/4 oz banana syrup1 banana Shake well over crushed ice in a shaker. Strain into a collins glass and fill with crushed ice. Top with banana slices, and serve.
Ingredients 20 cl lemon-lime soda3 cl grenadine syrup Build in a highball glass. Add 7-up or sprite over ice and sprinkle grenadine syrup over it. Garnish with a lemon slice and a cherry.
Ingredients 1 gal apple juice2 oranges2 lemons1 lime1 tbsp cloves1 tbsp allspice2 cinnamon sticks1 qt water1 cup sugar 1. Heat the water to boiling. Cut the lemons and oranges (and lime if using) in half and squeeze the juice into a separate
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Ingredients 3 oz pineapple juice1 oz grapefruit juice1 oz coconut cream1/2 oz whipping cream1 tsp grenadine syrup Blend briefly with three-quarters of a glassful of crushed ice in a wine goblet. Garnish with in-season fruit and serve with short straws.
2 cl grenadine syrup
2 cl mint syrup
10 cl cold milk
Shake or build directly in the glass.